Use Your Head - Follow Your Heart

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Hello everyone!

My name is Chandler, and I want to welcome you into my little world, Shameless Inner Beauty. You are probably wondering ‘where in the world did she get that title?’ What a great question. It was honestly the very first thing that popped into my head, and then I thought there had to be a reason for it, so I went with my gut and it stuck. But there is a little more to it than that.

For as long as I can remember, probably starting back in my teens, I have struggled with self-love; whether it be emotionally, physically, spiritually, or all of the above. As someone who struggles with chronic anxiety and depression, I have fought with myself for the longest time, always wondering.  If you find yourself in that same boat, this is your message that I hope burns into your brain: “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.” Did you catch that? Say it out loud one more time. Don’t worry, I know it will take a while to actually stick. Some days I still choose not to believe it. But one of my personal goals for 2017 was to focus on ME. Year of You, as some people might call it – I get that from my favorite youtuber Marissa Lacer! (Check her out – thank me later)

My main focus for this little outlet is to just let my mind wander, as it typically does, but also to let the words just flow. I hope to discuss a number of different things, whether it be about my faith, travel, relationships, family, you name it. If I can help just ONE person to be able to relate to story or experience I share, I will pat myself on the back. I know how hard it is to keep things bottled up. To feel like you literally have no one else in the world sitting in your corner. I also know you can find many different blogs and websites that discuss similar topics. So if you have made it this far, and continue to come back – THANK YOU!

I will share a brief experience with you that involves my anxiety, as I feel I am just in the beginning stages of truly dealing with it. Just recently, I left my very first job in a hair salon, after working there just over a year. I am a licensed cosmetologist in the state of Georgia, and was hired as the assistant to the owner (my boss) of this small salon. I won’t get into specific details, because I have nothing but respect and gratitude towards my former boss, but all I can say is “Oh. My.” As some of you may know and have experienced, with anxiety there can either be a little or a lot that can lead up to that final ‘explosion.’ Looking back, I know now that I waited far too long to make the choice I made. To make a long story short, in the week leading up to my resignation, I had never experienced so many different feelings and emotions at one time before. I was not sleeping well, my brain was constantly turning a mile a minute wondering ‘what-if this’ or ‘what-if that’. I was very on edge and irritable. Worst of all, over the last 2-3 months I had lost complete confidence in my abilities to do what I was trained to do and went to school for. As if my self-confidence wasn’t already bad enough. And I ignored these feelings that were building up – for WEEKS. Finally, two of my closest friends suggested that instead of verbally resigning and talking to my boss directly, that I write her a letter. Why I didn’t initially think to do this? I couldn’t tell you. So at 1 o’clock in the morning on that Saturday, I was laying on my apartment floor typing up the letter, and fighting with my wireless printer. Mind you, I had to be up 5 hours later to get ready. Even that day leading up to the exact moment, I was anxious. What’s funny though is my boss ended up reacting exactly how my parents and friends all said she would. I had never felt so much relief rush over me in such a short amount of time. She was incredibly gracious about it, and we came to be on the same page, discussing various things that lead to this moment. The moral of this story – as stated above – go with your gut. If you feel that something in your life is off, or it no longer serves you in a positive way, then do something about it! Don’t wait until the last minute, or until you are way beyond miserable. Do what is best for you! 2017 started off with a bang for me, but unfortunately it was not in a positive way. So the fact that I was finally able to break free of something that was mentally suffocating me is huge. Don’t ever apologize for putting yourself first. Do what makes you happy! I promise you it will be worth it.