It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like everything is going wrong? Or you just feel like everyone is out to get you? Typically days like that turn into a snowball effect and go on for a few days… no? Just me? Maybe.

If so, you are not alone.

The fear of the unknown is one of the most terrifying feelings, I think.

Having been someone whose had multiple curveballs thrown at her, no matter the size, I have come to just one conclusion:


Yes, it has taken me this long and oh so many dead ends and wrong turns to finally figure that out. That, and some fabulous people repeating it.

However, it would be wrong of me to sit here and try to sugar coat things for you and for the sake of a “great blog post.” That’s not being transparent.

Dealing with both depression and anxiety on a day-to-day basis is no easy task. There may be some people out there who think a “mental illness” is just a crutch that others use to gain attention or throw a pity party.

I am here to tell you it is a constant battle with oneself. Every. Single. Day.

You wake up in the morning and take medication, sometimes twice a day.

If you work during the day, that usually helps to keep your mind distracted, and you hope to have a successful day with minimal stress.

But if you don’t work, or if you’re between jobs, or work from home even, that’s an entirely different ball game.

I live by myself, so I know all too well how difficult it is battling your brain when you’re alone. For me, it gets the worst at night, especially when I’m trying to fall asleep. I tell people all the time my mind races a million miles an hour. Every thought that I have seems to surface altogether at once.
Suffice to say I think most people tend to learn the hard way that it is okay to NOT be okay. IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY.

So many times I can remember my brain continuously turning, while I lay in bed with my eyes gripped shut, trying my hardest to fall asleep. All of a sudden tears just start to flow. There’s no real reason for them, it just happens. The tears usually turn into a panic attack, which doesn’t always stop right away.

Throughout this journey of ‘self-love’, I have learned so many new things about myself. The biggest thing I have learned is to acknowledge my feelings. I am terrible about getting down on myself, and having such negative thoughts… probably one of the roots of my anxiety.

But lately, I am able to remind myself of positive things.

I AM beautiful.

I AM worth it.

God made me the way I am for a reason.

I’ll be the first to say it: I ignored my anxiety for a while. I tried to shove it to the side, acting like it wasn’t there and that it was all in my head.

We are our OWN biggest critic. All the time.

But now, I just have to remind myself that I am doing great. I’m at a great place in my life. I have accomplished so much in this life, so what do I really have to be down about? There’s a famous quote I feel is very appropriate here.

“It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”

In the end, you control yourself and your life and the outcome. But don’t let that be a reason you are so hard on yourself. Relax. Take a breath.

It is okay to not be okay.