Be Your Own Valentine

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. For some people, that meant gifting flowers and candy, and maybe a nice dinner out. For others, we didn’t have a significant other to celebrate with. 

This time last year, and in years past, I can remember how bitter I was when Valentine’s Day came around. I didn’t have anyone to celebrate with, or anything exciting to look forward to. Therefore I took my frustration out on other people, and chose to have negative feelings towards what most people consider to be a “Hallmark holiday.” 

The only Valentine I have ever truly had every year is my daddy. Without fail, even if it’s just a card, he always comes through. Though that may not mean much to some people, he has set the standard for me. 

But I can’t forget my other forever valentine – JESUS. How awesome is it that He died on the cross for us? That He died to take away all of our sins. That in itself should be something to celebrate. 

This year, even though I am single, I chose to celebrate MYSELF on Valentine’s Day. 

As you all have probably figured out, I have struggled with self-love for a long time. 

But one of my personal goals for this year was to put my energy back into myself, and learn to love myself again. 

Now it may only be the middle of February, but already I have noticed changes within myself. Positive changes that I have struggled to overcome for so long. I get so excited now every time I think about it, because I know things can only get better from here. 

I have learned that it IS okay to put myself and my own needs first. I have learned that it IS okay to spoil myself or treat myself. It IS okay to take care of ME. Self-love is the most important love and once you’ve built on that, the rest will fall into place when the time is right. 

Your relationship with yourself comes first. 

Be yourself unapologetically. 

LOVE YOURSELF. No matter what.